Managed Cloud Solutions

Because we want to help you focus on what it really matters to you, we offer Cloud Managed Services with outstanding SLAs & commited support team.

Managed Cloud Solutions


We help you accelerate and modernize your Cloud infrastructure. Enterprise Infrastructure Modernization is a collection of offerings to help accelerate application assessments, modernize our customer’s infrastructure, and drive innovation with Hybrid Cloud.

Managed Cloud Solutions


We have built a practice to help customers gain visibility and control across their Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure with simplified operations management and security. Grow your business by allowing us to eliminate your infrastructure's complexity on any cloud.

Managed Cloud Solutions


The cloud is a model, not just a place. Hybrid cloud lets us seamlessly extend your applications and data to the cloud, control IT resources no matter where they are, deploy from anywhere and write applications consistently.

Cloud Assessment and planning

Most customers today have already started taking cloud seriously. However, not every customer is savvy enough to build a robust cloud strategy. Many don’t have granular visibility into their IT infrastructure – and are not able to quantify the benefits in cost, agility, speed, and time to market that cloud brings. Others, while aware of the benefits, don’t know where to start from – and are unsure of how ready their staff, systems, tools, and processes are for public cloud.


1. Assess enterprise environment, infrastructure, workloads, and applications.

By Assessing applications and workloads for cloud readiness we allow organizations to determine what applications and data can, and cannot be readily moved to a cloud environmen and what delivery models (public, private, or hybrid) can be supported.


2. Infrastructure roadmaps based on app dependency and performance.

We create infrastructure maps based on app dependency and performance; identify shadow IT. It is common for an application being migrated to a cloud service to have connections of various kinds with other applications and systems; therefore, the application owners need to understand the impact of these connections and address it.


3. Visualize your business applications.

We group apps based on interconnectivity and dependencies, tweak groupings based on insight gleaned from assessment and infrastructure mapping. Integration between apps is traditionally classified into three categories: process integration (sharing functions), data integration (sharing data), and presentation integration (sharing user interface).


3. Prepare your workloads for a "Cloud Ready" World.

We determine customer’s app groups cloud viability, readiness, and cost of migration. Prioritize apps based on how well they score for each “cloud readiness” metric and how missioncritical they are to a customer’s business. Right-size any over or under utilized resources. Address any security or privacy issues.


5. Estimate your Total Cost of Ownership and Return Over Investment.

Finally for this pipeline, we estimate Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of running applications on-premises vs. in the cloud with accurate inputs on labor, infrastructure, tools, training etc. Calculate the Return Over Investment (ROI) of migration from on-premise to cloud.

Cloud migration / deployments

Once we've assessed our customer’s environment, workloads, applications (and their dependencies), then we’ve painstakingly planned their cloud migration strategy. Now it’s time to put that preparation into action. Our deployment offering means leaving behind the world of plans and tests and venturing into the realm of taking action.

While everything looks good on paper, it’s the successful zero-downtime migration of a production application—with live users—that forms the trust test, ultimately determining whether the migration is labeled a success or a failure. This is the point in the cloud journey where data will be migrated and apps will be decommissioned, re-platformed, remediated or consolidated—all while providing a seamless experience for the customer.

Cloud migration planning

Here is when we come up with a migration plan. We take several key things to keep in mind while planning a migration:
  1. What application components are we migrating? Are they storage data, web servers, Databases, single VMs, N-tier apps, or entire datacenters?

  2. Will this be a lift-n-shift migration or will this involve any degree of re-platforming or code factoring? Which Cloud Provider and region region(s) will we migrate to?

  3. What kind of availability, scalability, security, and auto scaling patterns should we introduce in the apps?

  4. Will the entire migration process be automated or will it be a combination of manual and scripted effort? What automation tools will we use?

  5. How will we test the apps in cloud for performance and availability before turning over?

  6. How do we use our customer’s existing software licenses when migrating to the selected Cloud Provider?


Infrastructure Operation Management

Now that our customer’s data is in cloud, our real responsibilities begin — ongoing operations management. As part of our offering, we provide the base management services our customers are looking for: automation and orchestration, patching updates, configuration management, backup and disaster recovery, and identity management. Our Customers can expect all of these tasks to be ‘managed’ by us.


Managed Device Security & Mobility

When configuring our customer’s cloud-powered IT environment we will: manage PCs and servers, keep software up-to-date, set configuration and security policies, and monitor system status while giving employees access to apps on the device they choose.


Additionally, our customers can expect us to to update their OS, software, and apps, monitor and remediate client devices for compliance purposes, apply security patches, set passwords, and remotely administrate computers. We will also manage networks and control the users and devices accessing them, troubleshoot problems with connectivity and configuration, and track, log, and report any configuration changes.



Simple paradigm of public, private, or hybrid cloud: customers expect workloads to be protected. MSPs need to develop backup plans based on policies determined by customers and regulatory bodies, in whatever country the customers operate in, to ensure safety and long term retention of sensitive data for audit and compliance regulations.


In addition, our customer workloads need to be protected from planned and unplanned downtown, as this can cause adverse business, brand, and in some cases, legal effects. We provides detailed guidance on building applications that are backed up, disaster proof, and highly available. For our customers, this is an important service offering within their operations.


In a dev-ops world, we provide all our customers continuous integration, deployment, and automation for all their applications.

AUTOMATION BREEDS EFFICIENCY. Automation and orchestration are extremely important functions to our practice. Automating routine tasks allows us to lower our delivery costs and offer superior SLAs – driving a virtuous cycle of efficiency and repeat business. Automation is the key to creating the right balance between cost, reliability, speed, and time to market.
As everything from code deployment to testing, staging to release, can be automated. We help our customers leverage the full dev-ops experience of developing on the Cloud.


We make help our clients automate the tasks that you can perform on any Cloud Management portal and is your gateway to dev-ops on the Cloud, We have a great powershell, Chef, and Puppet engineering team that are able to create ARM templates on the fly for stitching together multiple resources and automating our customers' deployments. We support applications built in all languages (e.g. C#, C, C++ F#, Q#, PhP, Python, Java, Node.js) and all web-service frameworks (e.g. Apache, Tomcat, Nginx).



To meet customer needs, in our ID management offering, we define user group resource policies in their Active Directory, implement single sign-on, federate identities across apps and other resources, and handle rights management - ensuring that the right users have the correct access.



ID management is an integral part of infrastructure deployments as well. It’s a security discipline to conduct the administration of IDs on behalf of our customers. This ensures the right individuals have access to the right on-premises, hybrid, or public cloud resources at the right times and for the right reasons.
On behalf of our customers, and thanks to our mature ID management policies, we can lower associate costs and become more agile in supporting new business initiatives - all while staying compliant with industry and regulatory standards.

Cloud Monitoring Services

Back in the 2000s, Managed Services was synonymous with Remote Management & Monitoring (RMM). In the cloud world, the tools and requirements have evolved, but the problem statement has not fundamentally changed. How do I monitor the health and performance of my IT infrastructure? There is no easy answer to this and customers expect their service providers to solve it for them. Most mid-market and enterprise organizations simply do not have the time, resources, or dedicated staff required to monitor every aspect of IT, and this is where MSPs add the most value. While the Cloud offers many monitoring capabilities built within the platform – we (a) provide additional, deeper monitoring tooling (b) triage the false positives from the real alerts (c) proactively act upon the alerts before any measurable loss in performance.

Cloud Monitoring Services


Complete monitoring of VMs, CPU utilization, memory usage, storage IOPs, and OS performance. Includes monitoring of application performance and operation health, and dashboards and reports on system health.

Cloud Monitoring Services


We help our customers to ensure high availability of database servers. The process involves keeping logs of size, connection time and users of databases, analyzing use trends, and leveraging data to proactively remediate issues.

Cloud Monitoring Services


By Analyzing client, device, and user accessing a network logs we offer deep insight into performance, security, resource consumption, and a number of other meaningful metrics. Powerful log management tools collect, correlate, and visualize all the machine data from multiple systems in one place.

Cloud Monitoring Services


End-to-end tracking of all aspects of an application (or webpage). App monitoring involves watching every part—from shopping carts to Record pages— of a customer’s app(s) for performance issues in an effort to provide the best user experience possible.

Cloud Cost Optimization

One of the biggest fears that customers have when it comes to adopting cloud is the fear of runaway spending. After all, cloud is unpredictable. It is PAYG. It scales on demand. It is charged like a utility bill. So, it's very common to hear the following question from our clients:

“How can I forecast my utility bill?”

This is where we come in. We are helping customers manage their cloud spend by performing deductive and predictive analytics on their past and expected cloud spend respectively. By helping them make sense of their Cloud bill and attribute the spend to different projects, departments, teams, applications and cost centers. If done correctly, this function can add a lot of value to both your practice and our customers.

Cost Optimization


As an Managed Solution Provider, we allow our customers granular visibility into usage by department, project, region, workload, app or user, allowing CIOs / CFOs to attribute chargeback and prioritize their IT spending as we take care about complete financial transparency into their cloud spend.

Cost Optimization


Here, we've helped our customers identify some inefficiencies and redundancies, now it’s time to take action. IT Teams that implement effective IT cost optimization — through visibility — can free resources for increased innovation and creativity as the cost savings allow for additional investments in the cloud.

Cost Optimization


Demand and cost forecasting are both aspects created to add value to of our cloud infrastructure management practice that practice. By effectively forecasting both resource demands and costs, at Fenix Alliance Group we help our customers accurately forecast their cloud spend.

Cost Optimization


We give our customers a simplified view into cloud costs by removing the complexity of analyzing, budgeting, tracking, forecasting, and invoicing public cloud costs.

Cost Optimization


By successfully identifying consolidation possibilities, making sure that resources are properly provisioned, “rightsized”, and utilized is a big part of our cost optimization offering.

Have questions or need a detailed quote?

Our support team is here to provide expert guidance, deliver a comprehensive quote, or arrange a strategic consultation—at no cost. Let us help you achieve success with our tailored products and services.

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